Can Women Have Brow Lift Surgeries? - Cosmetic Surgery Guide

Cosmetic Surgery Enquiry

Of the many cosmetic surgeries available on the market today, brow lifts are quite popular and often sought after because of the remarkable results the surgery can achieve in terms of refreshing your face and giving it a younger and friendlier feel.

Do women have brow lift surgeries?

While there is no distinction between gender in the sense of who can and cannot go for a brow lift surgery, women are the larger group that seek out the surgery for its many benefits. Women often seek the surgery to reverse the effects of aging on the brow and forehead, and will often opt for it in conjunction with surgeries that complement the brow lift like an eye lid surgery or face lift.

How are female brow lift surgeries different to male surgeries?

There are some key differences between the male and female brow lift, and these are rooted in the anatomical differences between the two sexes. The female brow line tends to be higher than the male one, and is also more curved and slender in comparison. When performing a female brow lift a surgeon needs to take these factors into account and provide a distinctly feminine look to the brow line by preserving or enhancing the natural curve and high position of the brow. With age the brow line can sag or drop, and this can affect how you feel about your femininity quite badly, which is why many brow lift surgeries aim to counteract this and lift the brow line for a youthful and uniquely feminine appearance.

While many surgeons will deliberately leave a couple of furrows or creases in the male forehead to keep it looking more natural, this is not necessarily the case in female surgeries. A completely smooth forehead can look natural on women where it doesn't on men, and so surgeons will tend to go for a completely smooth and natural brow and forehead. Similarly the tendency for the male hairline to recede is not shared by women, so when positioning surgical incisions surgeons will often take that particular factor into account.

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