What are the Advantages and Disadvantages of Having a Non-Surgical Brow Lift? - Cosmetic Surgery Guide

Cosmetic Surgery Enquiry

With so many different types of brow lift available on the market today, it can be difficult to work out which treatments suit you best. Brow lifts can be broadly split into surgical and non-surgical approaches, each with their own distinct advantages and disadvantages.

Advantages of non-surgical brow lifts

Non-surgical brow lifts carry with them the benefits of being an non-invasive option for anyone looking to restore their brow or forehead. Non-surgical options include Botox, dermal fillers, and laser resurfacing, and each one of these can offer you with great results without the need for a costly procedure with a lengthy recovery time. It can take a long time to recover from surgical procedures, and during that time you will need to abide by strict instructions from your doctor about how to preserve your bandaging and brow after the surgery.

Non-surgical options are also more suitable for a broader range of people, particularly for people who have health issues that make them unsuitable for surgical options. Treatments like Botox and dermal fillers can give great results without the need for a surgeon and all the hassle and risks therein.

Advantages of surgical brow lifts

While surgery carries risks and takes a while to recover from, it does offer a number of advantages over non-surgical alternatives. A skilled surgeon will tailor your brow lift to your exact specifications and bring years of experience to the operating theatre. Your surgeon will deliver an extremely natural appearance suited to your face, and therein lies the major advantage of the surgical option. Many people find the results from surgery appear more natural, particularly as your surgeon has much more control over the results.

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