Arm Lift Surgery For Women - Cosmetic Surgery Guide

Cosmetic Surgery Enquiry

As with men who are looking at having arm lift surgery, you are a better candidate if you are fit and healthy, but lacking firm or toned skin on your arms. This skin may be hanging down in excess underneath your arms. This can be unsightly, uncomfortable and cause you embarrassment. Excess skin on your arms might also be affecting which clothes you feel comfortable wearing as some may be more revealing of you arms or their shape than others.

Commonly, women will seek to have arm lift surgery carried out after losing significant weight or when the excess skin has been caused by the natural ageing process (which causes skin to lose its elasticity).

Many female public figures or celebrities have also undergone cosmetic surgery. Some of these people had arm lifts to improve their figure, in an attempt to become generally more attractive or after having lost a lot of weight. Massive weight loss is relatively common among celebrities, as the pressures of their professional lives, the media and their fans can make them feel like they need to be more slender and toned in appearance. This is why you might quite frequently have seen pictures of celebrities before and after their weight loss, often with quite impressive results. However, after nearing their desired figure or weight, many find that the side effects of massive weight loss are quite unattractive (for example excess skin on their arms). For this reason, many undergo arm lift surgery.

Celebrities having arm lift surgery does influence some women to have the procedure themselves. It also helps to boost the confidence of those who wish to have an arm lift for other reasons.

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