Hormones as a Cause of Obesity- Obesity Surgery Guide

The role of hormones is an important one in weight management.  In particular there are two hormones – ghrelin and leptin.  These two are directly responsible for food intake and appetite regulation.  Basically, they work together to ensure a balance between hunger and fullness. 

Ghrelin is also called the ‘hunger hormone': it is released from your empty stomach and travels through your bloodstream and eventually reaches the brain.  Once there it causes your brain to send signals of hunger.  You react to this by consuming food.

Leptin is produced by the body's fat cells.  It is released by these fat cells and travels to the brain where it sends signals of fullness.  You react to this by stopping eating.

This is how it normally works but this delicate balance can be upset by a variety of factors such as lack of sleep.  If they are out of balance then what can happen is that you experience increased feelings of hunger but your hunger is not fully satisfied.  It may not be satisfied at all which causes you to overeat and so gain weight.

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  1. Bacterial causes of obesity
  2. Colds and Viruses as a cause of obesity
  3. Obesity during diet and pregnancy
  4. Genetic causes of obesity
  5. Inherited causes of obesity
  6. Hormones and obesity
  7. Lifestyle factors that influence obesity
  8. Medication side effects as a cause of obesity
  9. Metabolic Syndrome and obesity
  10. Metabolism and obesity
  11. Sleep deprivation and obesity