What happens during teething? | Dental Treatment Guide

When the infant is between three months to nine months old, the teeth of your infant will start erupting into the mouth. This process will start with the lower two front teeth or the incisors. The timing of eruption will vary from one individual from another although the order of eruption is predictable. After the four incisors on the lower jaw and the four incisors of the upper jaw erupt into the mouth, the first molars come out. The canines follow suit and then finally the second molars come out. Most children will have a full set of twenty baby teeth when they reach the age of three.

Teething is a process that can happen with ease or happen with so much stress on the parts of the parents and the child. Your children may become irritable, fussy, restless, drooling, or simply lose their appetite. Teething does not cause symptoms of fever, diarrhoea, and vomiting. You can alleviate your child's teething discomfort by

  • giving them a frozen teething ring to chew on
  • applying pressure over the gums by rubbing them with clean fingers
  • using a small dab of over-the-counter teething gel that numbs the gums temporarily

Further Information about your Babies Mouth & Teeth