REGAINE® Affect on Mood & State Of Mental Health?

First of all do not think that you are alone in being mentally affected by your hair loss. This is a very common consequence of having hereditary hair loss. With the thinning and loss of your hair you are likely to feel increasingly self-conscious about your appearance and have a greater tendency towards low moods.

Each person is different and their mood can be affected by different stimuli. Your mood may alter while using REGAINE® but it may not necessarily be caused by the treatment. There is no researched or proven correlation between REGAINE® and low mood or depressive tendencies.

The initial further hair loss that you are likely to experience at the start of using REGAINE® may cause low mood as it might appear that the problem is getting worse rather than being treated. However, this is only a temporary loss and indicates that the treatment is working and responding to your hair condition.

While there is no guarantee that REGAINE® will not lead to depression, this should be unlikely in most people due to the positive effects of the treatment on your hair condition. For a woman especially, hair loss can be particularly distressing as it can drastically alter your appearance and lower your self-esteem. It is quite possible that you may be suffering from a degree of depression as a result of hereditary hair loss. REGAINE® could help to combat this low mood and other linked issues such as anxiety, poor self-esteem and avoidance of social situations as it can treat the root cause of these depressive tendencies, the hair loss.

Can I take any medication at the same time as using REGAINE®?

If this is a particular concern for you then consult a doctor. Most over the counter medicines for mild conditions such as headaches and colds are very unlikely to have a negative reaction or interfere with the treatment. REGAINE® is a topical treatment that is applied to the scalp and is not ingested unlike many other medications. If you are taking a prescribed medication it might be best to seek a medical opinion before using REGAINE®.

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