Managing your childs tooth filling anxiety | Dental Treatment Guide

Pediatric dentists are able to focus on caring for the child and not just caring for the teeth of the child. Pediatric dentists must be able to find a way to ease the anxiety of the child and help them cope with the difficulties in dental treatment. Some of the coping techniques used by dentists are

  • tell, show, and do – the dentist will tell the child what will happen, how it will be done using the instruments, and then does the treatment
  • the dentist must use a calming voice to soothe the child
  • whenever it is possible, pediatric dentists manage their anxiety without using medications although some children may have to be sedated
  • positive reinforcement techniques could shape the behaviour of the child and help them accept the dental treatment

If the child has severe dental disease and refuses to cooperate then it may be necessary to do the procedure in an operating room. The child may have to be sedated as well. General anaesthesia will be used.

Further Information Childrens Dental Treatments