What are the risks associated with bone graft surgery? | Dental Treatment Guide

The procedure involves inserting a new bone or a synthetic type of bone into part of the mouth where there has been a bone breakage or defect. The bone in the mouth supports the teeth so it is necessary to have strong bones in order to maintain good dental health. The bone used will either be taken from another part of the body or formed in a laboratory and during the surgery it will be reshaped and then inserted into the affected area of the mouth.

In terms of the risks associated with this procedure as always there is a potential risk of the anaesthetic. This is a problem that is common to any surgery that involves a patient undergoing an anaesthetic as there can be difficulties such as allergic reactions. However, these do not tend to affect most people. There can be some difficulties with the actual bone graft procedure such as bleeding, infection and pain. However, these are only minor risks and should not affect most people.

In the initial period after the surgery it is normal to experience some swelling and bleeding of the area of the mouth that has been operated on. This should only last a short time and you should not be alarmed by this as it will affect most people. It is important to keep the operated area clean to avoid developing an infection. The gums and teeth in the area of the mouth that has been operated on are more likely to be more sensitive to extreme temperatures and to deteriorating over time. It is also possible that teeth may be more inclined to develop cavities in the roots.

Further Information about Bone Grafting in Dental Treatment