Life After Weight Loss Surgery for Teenagers & Children - Obesity Surgery Guide

Having weight loss surgery does not mean that the illness is cured.  In fact this is just the start of a life time commitment to a healthy lifestyle.  You may find that further surgery is needed to tighten up loose folds of skin and flesh as a result of the rapid weight loss post-surgery.  This means cosmetic surgery and within that speciality there is a service called ‘body contouring'.  This is a range of procedures which can add the final touch to your improved body image.

It includes such procedures as a ‘tummy tuck' or a ‘body lift' which can remove and lift those unsightly folds.  You may also find that you have a few pockets of stubborn fat which diet and exercise alone cannot shift.  Again, there are cosmetic procedures such as liposuction which can remove those fat deposits.

Diet and exercise are a must.  A healthy diet will be planned and teenagers will have to be organised about this.  This means eating a set amount of certain foods at set times.  If gastric banding has been performed then this means liquids or purees to start with then a gradual transition to semi-solid and then solid food.  It will be in very small amounts and basically, the idea is to ‘drip feed' through the band.  This can be unpleasant if not followed correctly.

An exercise regime will be devised: to start with it will be fairly gentle but will increase in intensity and frequency over time.  Ideally, you should choose an activity which you know you are going to stick at.

If gastric bypass has been performed then vitamin and mineral supplements will have to be taken daily to prevent any deficiencies.  

Along with all of this is continual back up and support from the weight loss surgery team.  This means regular check ups and meetings to see if everything is alright and is being acted upon.  Any problems or issues can be dealt with sooner rather than later.  This may sound draconian but it is designed to help you along the way from before surgery, the actual surgery itself and then post-surgery.  The team want you to succeed and are here to help you achieve that success.