Avodart - Hair Loss & Hair Transplant Surgery Guide

If you look at the history of Minoxidil and Finasteride, they were originally manufactured as treatments for other conditions rather than male-pattern baldness. Their ability to treat male-pattern baldness was only recognised as a side-effect. As pharmacutical companies develop new drugs, there are other treatments becoming available which also have other uses but which are known to have an effect on male-pattern baldness.

The internet has given more people greater access to these emerging products. However, it is important to realise that these new products are often awaiting FDA approval. So while you may think you have discovered a wonder drug that nobody else is using, it could be that there are potential side-effects that are as yet undiscovered.

Tell me more about Avodart

Avodart is one such product. Developed by Glaxo SmithKline, it has the active ingredient Dutasteride which has been approved to treat prostate enlargement. So far, so good – it sounds similar to Finasteride, which is approved for hair loss and used in the product Propecia.

But this is where you need to be cautious, because there are key differences between Dutasteride and Finasteride. Finasteride has FDA-approval because there has been significant research conducted into what happens when the 5 Alpha Reductase-2 enzyme is inhibited to reduce the production of DHT.

Dutasteride, on the other hand, goes one step further: it not only blocks the 5 Alpha Reductase-2 enzyme but also the 5 Alpha Reductase-1 enzyme. Of course, this could mean that it works faster to reduce the production of DHT and therefore combats male-pattern baldness more quickly and more effectively. On the other hand, it could mean that it has unknown side effects.

Will Avodart be approved?

It is difficult to say with any certainty. Glaxo SmithKline completed Phase Two of their clinical trials for Avodart a number of years ago, but at this time it is unknown whether Phase 3 Clinical Trials are planned.

If you believe what you read on the internet, then Avodart could be up to 30% more effective at reducing DHT levels than Propecia – so it would represent a significant step forward. In fact, results for the Phase 2 trials revealed that Avodart generated between 2 and 3 times the amount of re-growth that finasteride produced.

So it is best to wait and see?

Many men are already using Avodart (it’s European counterpart is branded as Avolve) in a gel form which is applied topically. However, there are some known side-effects, many of which are similar to finasteride and affect sex drive and impotency.

The fact is that, while the internet is a useful place to find out more information, it is best to speak to an expert before embarking on any course of treatment or medication. Clearly, if the medication in question is still awaiting approval, then that is all the more reasons to gain sound advice from a source you can absolutely trust. In the first instance, it is best to consult your GP to discover the options available.